
In La Salvetat take direction Carmaux. As soon as you are outside of the village of La Salvetat, take left direction Tayrac and follow that road down hill for 2 km. You will see on your right the entrance of the camp
site. Continue another 80 meters and take the path on your left with the sign “Camping Réception” where you can sign in.
Lat: 44.215276°N Long: 2.225554°O

Coördinates GPS / Google Earth : 

Lat: 44.215276ºN   Long: 2.225554ºE
Bg: 44º 12' 55"  Lg: 2º 13' 32"


France,Michelin (nr 989).
Michelin Midi -Pyrénées (nr 235) and 
Institut Géografique National, série bleue, La Salvetat Peyralès (nr 2340 O)
